The start of the rumors

The Dorgon looked to be pretty happy to see the meat and he was more than eager to finish it all in one day. 

Hecathe sighed as he sat down in front of the desk and started filling up the details of his plan inside the diary. 

Since Hecathe was so motivated, the whale would certainly fall for the trap. 

The next few days seemed to have gone by peacefully with Hecathe only going out to buy meat for the Dorgon. 

The Dorgon thought that his master was really kind for going through so much trouble just to feed him and this further made him trust Hecathe and grow a bit more fond of him. 

However, the reason why Hecathe diligently made sure to go to Grandma's knife was certainly not because he was worried about starving the Dorgon. 

Feeding the Dorgon was nothing more than an excuse for Hecathe to go and listen in to the rumors that were slowly being spread. 

The rumors that Orgon had returned from the dead.