Don't lie

Hecathe lifted his head to meet the woman's eyes and this time, he turned serious as he asked, "Have you ever met such a person?" 

Zather gulped as she heard this question and her eyes widened ever so slightly as she showed a split second of panic. 

This was all that Hecathe needed to know in order to guess what the answer to that question was going to be. 

"You know her, don't you?" Hecathe asked with a smirk as he raised his eyebrows. 

Zather chuckled dryly as she asked back, "Why would you think that? There is no way I would know someone-" 

"Don't lie," Hecathe clicked his tongue as he didn't even let the woman complete, "You're doing the same thing that you did when I first called you Azazel. You're denying it in the hopes of thinking that I might believe your lie, but guess what, I ain't falling for the same trick twice."