What are you going to tell her?

"I bet she sent you here to spy on me," Zather chuckled dryly as she commented and Hecathe didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry as he heard this question. 

That was exactly why the landlady had hired him. 

"So what now? What are you going to tell her?" Zather leaned in forward on her desk as she asked. 

Hecathe, "I'm going to tell her that you're doing good. There is no reason for me to say anything more than that." 

Zather squinted suspiciously at the man as she heard this and asked, "Is that really it?" 

Hecathe nodded his head with a sigh as he stood up once again, "You seem to be suspecting her of a lot of things but I can tell that she's just worried about you. She only asked me to check how you were doing and nothing more than that. Why don't you meet her once and try to sort out a few things?" 
