Someone messed with their minds.

"So someone was messing with your minds?" Hecathe asked with a frown as he straightened his back. 

LeiLei nodded her head with a frown as she confirmed this. 

"Did you meet the person that did it?" Hecathe asked curiously and this time, LeiLei shook her head. 

"We couldn't. We left the place soon after," LeiLei explained, "If we had stayed then there would have been more traps waiting for us and we didn't want to risk it." 

Hecathe couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and concerned as he heard this. 

Someone who could mess with their minds and make them hallucinate... 

This was certainly going to be troublesome. 

"We'll have to go back," Hecathe spoke with a sigh and LeiLei looked to be a bit shocked as she heard this.