What the...?

When the door flung open, the first thing that hit Hecathe was the smell. 

The strong smell of something dying. 

Hecathe immediately covered his nose and walked inside cautiously as he tried to spot Marvin. 

The boy was not really hard to spot as Hecathe stepped on something lumpy with his first step alone and realized that this was no special carpet but was Marvin himself. 

"Oh..." Hecathe muttered as he crouched down near the boy's head and tried to understand whether the dying smell was coming from him or not. 

It was a bit hard to distinguish but in a few minutes, Hecathe was able to confidently conclude that the cause of the horrendous smell was not this man who was lying unconscious on the floor. 

"Yo," Hecathe nudged Marvin as he tried to wake the boy, "Get up. Are you planning on dying here or something?"