I had overestimated you

"So this war... Is also a mess that I created, isn't it?" Hecathe closed his eyes in defeat as he asked. 

"Hecathe, you're the villain here," The Dorgon spoke with a sigh, "That's why I decided to join your side. I thought we could take over this land and when that was done, I'd kill you off and rule it."


The Dorgon was being a bit too brutally honest and Hecathe didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry about it. 

"But now-" 

Hecathe clicked his tongue and cut him off as he spoke, "Please don't give me a cliche response and tell me that after you've hung around me for a while, you learned compassion and decided to change your plan," 

The Dorgon chuckled as he heard this and shook his head as he opened his mouth and froze a part of the city down below before he spoke up, "That's not it. After living with you, I realized that I had overestimated you." 

"..." Hecathe fell a little speechless as he heard this.