The sword of the hero...?

Darius somehow managed to break Marvin's barrier that was protecting Hecathe and he threw a straight punch at Hecathe's face, however, his fist was caught by somebody. 

"We are not done yet," Marvin gritted out as he spat out a mouthful of blood onto the man's face. 

Darius flipped on his left leg and aimed to kick Marvin but Hecathe acted fast and pushed Marvin's head down in the very last possible second, helping the man avoid the kick. 

"Marvin, don't you have something for me?" Hecathe asked with a sigh as he looked down at the boy. 

Marvin chuckled as he heard this and took out the sword that had been tied to his back before giving it over to Hecathe, "Be careful with it." 

Hecathe smiled as he took the hilt of the sword and looked down at it, "Don't worry about that." 

This sword was the same one that Marvin had placed as collateral at the auction house till he paid off the price needed to buy the auction house ownership.