Buying time

"You see, at the end of the day, it didn't matter if the chosen target was Marvin or you. All I cared about was the result and you both would have delivered it beautifully." 


Hecathe didn't know if he wanted to applaud the girl for her intelligence or mock her for wasting her time in such a conversation.  'Cause, the reason why he patiently listened till now was not because he was interested in her words, rather, it was because he was buying time and it seemed as if the girl had not noticed this. 

"So stop getting in the way of what you have created," Lara sharply spoke, "Everything is going according to the plan and by the end of this, if you're still alive, you'll be the only prominent ruler left. Only a fool would refuse such an offer and I believe that you are not such a fool." 

Hecathe scoffed as he heard this, "This might be disappointing to hear but I really am a fool."