It's of no use

"You dare go against me like this...?!" Lara angrily snapped as she tried to free herself but surprisingly enough, Marvin was quite strong. 

Lara tried to control the boy but unfortunately, it seemed that there was a wall protecting his mind from her influence.

"It's of no use," Marvin clicked his tongue as he guessed what the girl was trying to do.

Since LeiLei had also given Marvin the ring that Hecathe used to wear, Lara was basically powerless against him. 

"LeiLei, kill-" Lara was about to order the woman to kill Marvin just like she had killed Hecathe, however, her words were cut short as Marvin used his left hand to strike the back of LeiLei's neck, immediately knocking her unconscious. 

"It looks like your only strong weapon has been disarmed," Marvin commented with an emotionless voice. 

"Marvin, do not fight me!" Lara clenched her fist as she snapped, "It's not a fight that you can win."