
"So, why are you going to Corn Town, Miss Jane?"

"To look for the other squirrel," I lied, what else I can do but tell such an obvious lie when my obvious intention is to see and hopefully catch that blue mist power stones, my magical powers. "Of course, he must be lonely and scared."

The acting of a good Boss and tutor should be my specialty, after all, in my last life, I was… well, anyway, because of the caring personality of Jane. The innocent Jane that longed for a family and had three little siblings that didn't get to see the best years of life.

"Yes, I understand, Miss Jane," he said and smirked a little, "However, do you know that little Matty should be fine with Mr. Tate and Mr. Kian, right?"

"Yes, of course" that was an answer that came from my heart. I trust those two, the caring and smart Mr. Tate and the handsome Kian. Though I don't know the reason myself, it is not in my nature to believe so blindingly someone. "However, I have to make sure of his safety, or I won't stay in peace with myself, and I adore to sleep at night without worries."

"I understand, Mrs. Jane," he smiled again but this time his blue shiny eyes narrowed in a suspicious slit. I should be the one with the many doubts about his reasons to accompany me or waiting for me, not him. The mysterious aura around him perturbed me greatly and he didn't have any opening for any spree of questions to appear.

He only smiled and narrowed his eyes, every time. Then from his pocket, a folded paper came into the view. Tiny, a bit yellow as if it were used a lot.

"What is that?" I couldn't help but ask hoping the man would finally open his heart and be merciful to my curious nature.

He looked up with interest and unfolded the paper. Did I mention that it was a tiny and slim piece of paper? So I guess the most it can be folded would be a few times, not more than eight. However, this man unfolded and unfolded and unfolded until the tiny white paper became so big to contain a map of the whole Corn Town and even more, the Nertil Town too, and we can stop at that, it had a detailed description on the Mine.

"That is the mine, Miss Jane," he signaled the obvious, yet, he didn't stop at that, his delicate fingers signaled the river near the mine and that was the frontier with the Kingdom of Ferium. "This is the best way to pass without getting caught. Or so they say… the number of guards appointed at the bridges is more but because they are guarding the frontier with the Ferium, not guarding the forest on this side. However, the river flow from here is quite strong."

He looked at me as I was now looking carefully at my rope. "Is there any other rope I can use from you, Merchant Sebastian?" I created this rope, it was strong and with a special quality a magical quality I spent so many days embedding in it, however, the disadvantage was that it may not be enough.

"Two golds for a rope," he smiled.

"What?!" this rip-off man. How dare he? "Isn't that expensive for a single rope, Mr. Sebastian?"

"Miss Jane, how much do you need this rope with you? Even more, I am including in the payment the transportation, the food, and those things your little squirrels had stolen from the cart."

"They should pay for their…" he looked at me with narrowed eyes. I know he knows that I will try to deceive him. After all, he wouldn't dare ask for gold from those little children, right?

"I guess I will have to toss them out from my cart, after all, I don't want thieves here. My dear Jupiter is tired from carrying extra weight," that strong white horse was fed with the best of the best food, even I hadn't tasted a more extraordinary food than that in my long time in this world. How can that creature be unable to carry two children of only a few years in their account?

However, it is true that we can't have those children here, they should go back, "Yes, we can't have them here, what if they try to steal more things."


"We should send them back, Merchant Sebastian," I nodded and patted his shoulder, "How do you propose to do that? Oh, wait, what if we just get to the Corn Town and from there we send them back?"

"That will raise the price, Mrs. Jane. How about three gold coins or maybe four?"

"But it was your idea to toss them out…"


"What is the difference between here and there, just be patient, my friend, we only have to reach the town, and you will have your desire."

"Four coins."


"Three coins."




I ended up spending two more gold coins, only for a longer rope, some food, and transportation, even the chocolate cookies that those two little squirrels dared to steal but not share. This man was a total rip-off.

"Boss, please don't… cry…"

This little girl was trying to comfort me but it was not working, not at all when she was munching another cookie and her brother too. Just where did they find them? I couldn't see any of them. Somehow, I had the hunch that these two squirrels were colluding with the merchant to scam me from my gold.

I could see how my treasure and my purse were depleting slowly. Even if riches had never been my first priority in life, they were the second one. The many tears I shed from how many coins my precious chest, which was once filled to the brim with those tiny and shiny pieces of happiness, was now an empty shell with nothing but tears.

"Hey! Who are you?! The road is closed!"

Oh my, who do we have here? Maybe some knights from the Dark Duke with pockets full of gold, right?