Master of My Path

"I want to see if my family is fine, sir," my two squirrels and I looked at the knights with the attack of the big bright beautiful eyes.

Lily even put some little tears around her long eyelashes, what a touch. And the little Tommy that usually didn't speak that much was now pouting and fisting his little hand in a perfect act of contained sadness. Oh, my! I would fall for them if I didn't know anything.

Their little acts left the knights speechless, empty of any word in their mouths. That is what I was trying to teach my little pupils from the beginning, the act of magic is as simple as that. Capture your audience, then the rest is a simple "Look into my eyes," kind of thing.

"I… this… " The knight with a brown beard and brown eyes turned to look at me when he couldn't deny that he had fallen for their act.

However, as their master, how can I not help my little squirrels with the following scene.

"Please, Sir Knight, we are worried about our family," my blinking eyes went easy on them.

Their eyes just had to follow my delicate eyelashes to make them nod without noticing that they were under my control. Now they don't only let us continue our journey, but they seemed to be so kind to escort us to the town.

"This is for you, my lady," they smiled as they blushed and gave me ten gold coins.

"How can I take this from you?" I said with a sweet shy smile and the soft blush that covered their cheeks reached their necks and then their ears. How cute of them.

"Please, my lady, this is only to help you in your journey," the official smiled, "we heard that the merchant will never sell his services for cheap. We are afraid that you could be extorted."

I wanted to laugh at their impressive skills in seeing the truth. This Merchant Sebastian is a true scammer of innocent people.

"If we can help a delicate and fragile lady like you, we will be enchanted."

"Oh my, you are making me blush," I said to them, again using my cute little voice. Then with a quick move of my skillful hand that was already extended, I took their contribution to safe keep.

What can I do? If they wanted to offer it, then I can't deny their good intentions, right?

"We are grateful, my lady," they smiled at the same time, but they didn't leave. They kept looking at me.

Sigh… I should stop the spell.

"You should go to your posts, don't you?"

"Yes, my lady," they smiled foolishly and went away after another bow.

Heh… I can feel the weight of my golds from a good job in my hands. My heart feels so happy that I can laugh all day.

"Master, is there anything for us?"

"Yes, of course, one gold for each of you to return to the house in Eisen," I smiled at the two squirrels that tried to make me lose money. If they hadn't come with me and eat that many cookies… tch… they didn't even want to give me a bite.

"Merchant Sebastian, this…"

The cart, the man, the horse. I swear that he was beside us, I could even feel the aroma of the cookies still here. How did he do it so fast?

Now, I am more than certain that this man was a magician, a powerful magician at that. Hopefully, he hadn't come to this town too for the stones, or we will have a little problem here.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The two little squirrels were also impressed, but they recovered well. They didn't even make questions like many times before.

"We shall look for your brother and you three will return to the house."

"What about you, Master?"

"I am not returning just yet… I have some business to attend."

"But… we can help you," little Lily pouted and seemed to be sad and waiting to live the most amazing adventures, but this time, any kind of distraction will only serve as a step to a disastrous ending.

"No, this time I should go alone, my dear."


"Not, buts… let's go to the town to find your brother, don't you dare go around and sneak somewhere or no more golds for you."

The two looked at each other in complicity.

"Don't even think of cheating me with those squirrel eyes, or I will leave you here!"

"Master…" she is starting.

"But…" little Tom is looking down with his fist gripped.

How can they dare use their cheap trick on me? I am not going to fall into their eyes. Not me.


Saved. I heard the voice of a beautiful man behind me. I had to turn back before I could fall into a beauty trap. Though, I never knew that a most powerful one was right there waiting for me to turn around.

The man I thought should be in his working clothes with his apron and the sweat on his forehead was nowhere. He was wearing a coat fitted to his body. Elegant and clean. Not the look of a bartender. Where is my sweaty handsome man?

"Kian?" I said as the little squirrels were already prepared to jump into his arms and back to greet him. Goodness, how is that Tommy able to climb his back that skillfully and that Lily his muscular left arm. How can I fit there if they are taking his all from me?

That shameless Lily was even sending some kisses to his cheeks. How dare she?

"Where… where is Matty and Mr. Tate?"

"They are at the inn," he said with a gentle voice. I had to look somewhere else, or he will catch my desperate desire in my voice. "Jane, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing… I wanted to look for the assistant that ran away and… and also about Mr. Tate's whereabouts. We heard about the thing in that mine."


Steps… my heartbeat was pumping the same as every step the man moved forward to grab my hand. "Where you only worried about them?"


"Jane… weren't you worried about me?" He smiled again and wrapped lifted my hand to his lips.

"I… I… should go," this man is entrapping me, but I am the master of my own path. "Hey!"

He lifted me up like a sac…