Action Scene

We were in the forest, a few meters from the strange mine of Nertil, however, the place was surrounded by enemies from every side… what bad luck. I recounted some knights coming from the forest, maybe the guards of that Dark Duke from the Kingdom, then there were some creepy mercenaries from the south and the ones camping on the other side of the river.

How do I know that? Well… the map of Sebastian was magical. The many dots painted in the paper moved as if they were people advancing towards the mine.

I had to admit that I stole it from that scammer Sebastian. Well, he took away my money, right? Even more, he took more than what I was supposed to give him.

"So, that was the plan, did you get it?"

The little squirrels leaned their heads to one side and looked at me with bright big eyes. Those eyes can hold the entire universe inside, hiding the wisdom of little smart geniuses in the making. Of course, they should have understood it, they are my disciples…

"Master, I… I didn't understand," little Lily looked at me with those big eyes of a soft plushy.

"…" She is so wonderful, it doesn't matter if she didn't get it. She will grow beautiful like a Lily.


"Oh, right," I got distracted, "I will explain again. I will go down with my magical rope while hiding under my magical cape," my new invention, "however, I will need you three to distract those spies, soldiers, knights and guardians around the gem mine, okay?"

They nodded, "I will give you one sphere of magic to each of you, and you will put it in the marks signaled on the map, okay?"

They nodded again.

"Lily, you will go to this side, near the bridge in the south, it is not too far from here," the little plushy squirrel nodded and looked at the map. "Tommy you will go to the north, there is a big tree over there, can you see it?"

The little squirrel Tommy with red hair on the top of his head also nodded. How funny that even with his squirrel form, his bright hair was still there.

"Matty, you will go to the east camp where those spies are hiding, be careful," he nodded.

I believe he will pass without trouble. I hope, this sneaky little lad had true ability that it kind of scared me, not for nothing he became my disciple.

"You will leave the sphere there without letting anyone catch you, not the humans and not the animals. Beware…"

I saw their little face grow a bit anxious. Did I scare them that much?

"Then you will run away as fast and as far as you can when you notice the change in color inside the sphere, going from blue to green because when it hits red, it will explode… and nothing will be left to be done…"

Now I could see them about to faint.

"Don't worry, you only need to run to this point here, and you will be safe, okay?"

They nodded again, my little children.

"But… what will happen if we can't come in time… Ma… Master?"

"Oh… that…" I feel that I should give them more courage to affront their future. "I will give ten gold coins to whoever gets inside first."

Now their eyes were glinting in delight and a bit more of interest. They were even looking at each other with a tint of that thing I like to call the fierce law of the strongest.

"Now, let's go!"

They started running while carrying in their back the little spheres of magic, three out of five spheres I have left. Dammit! I should have given them more money.

The next step is to create a barrier, to give them their survival point. Hopefully, I won't need it after this night.

The sky was now about to grow cloudy and the stars were still shining with their most brilliant light. I covered myself with my cape and I tied the magic rope in my wrist. Then…

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

I heard the voice of a man calling, he may be a knight from that Duke, he may even be accompanied by several more men in armors. Well, let the show began.

My hair changed to a dark color and my face with a black mask that covered my mouth was enough to fool these guys.

"Turn around!" they shouted, and I obeyed.

One… two… three… dammit! Twelve, they were twelve and one of them was… was… a man in a white mask but that figure… tall, slim with muscles. Who cares!

I jumped the cliff with the rope in my hands, and they could only look at me with astonished eyes. The rope… yes, my magic rope was not grabbing anything but a cloud. I was hanging from a cloud.


I heard the men shouting and preparing their arrows. How funny, I had evaded bullets and canons in my last life, also crazy fans and the press, their cameras flashes and their microphones in my face, and these men want to attack me with arrows? How funny.

"Take that, you assholes!"

I used the cloud to send bolts of lightning directed to their cliff and to distract their arrows. However, just when my shoe landed on the entrance of the mine and my hand was sending small poker cards to the men around to make them faint, die and stop interrupting my action scene, fate landed near my face.

I had a grudge against that bitch, Fate, but I won't snap against it right now.

The arrow that almost took the mask on my face down came from the man in the white mask. I knew it as I could see him at the top of the cliff.

He was there as a majestic apollo with the sun in his back and the arch bow prepared to shoot again. However, he didn't. He looked at me and I could feel a piercing gaze, who is him?

Who cares!

I turned around again fast and entered the mine.