
Cold, humid, lacking fresh air and filled with darkness, pure blackness that scared my guts. That was how I discovered the insides of the mine, or that was the first layer at least, I knew that the stones were hiding deeper and further inside waiting for me.

However, I had to move faster as I could feel the ones chasing me coming quickly to catch me. They won't let me steal right under their noses, right?

Their steps were making the mine's ground and the walls at the entrance tremble like the beating of one's heart, but not only those soldiers and knights, but the ones surrounding the place were also alerted by my sudden intrusion.

Now, the battle will begin outside, and I will welcome it like the kind entertainer I was, with a big entrance, a big show, and the unexpected end.

"Be awed, my dear friends, it is time for some fireworks show!" I wanted to shout, but the audience that had always fed my enthusiasm was not here now.

I missed it.

Let's see. I already counted more than a thousand seconds, so it should be enough for the little squirrels to leave the sphere and get inside the protective circle, hopefully.

If I am correct, three little explosions should be about to…


There goes one, that should be the one on Tommy's side. The big wall stones vibrated on the right and a little earthquake startled me as my not-so-good feet make me tumble. Good, this is starting.


That is Lily… goodness, that one was too near to the mine, the feeling of the underground water was making me shiver. Or more like the stones falling on my head are hitting me hard. If I don't get my precious stones fast, I might not make it out of here. I don't want a sudden underwater burial.


That was the last one. Matty would have surely done a splendid job. However, that last one was the signal to start the battle. Most of the soldiers were on that side and waiting to attack.

"Come on!" I whispered, hoping for the last one to ignite the fire and signal my entrance.


Oh! There it goes.

That big explosion should cover the entrance of this mine with rocks and woods and now, I am the only one with the power to access this place, and with a bit of luck, the only one to escape.

It will take years for them to discover the way to dig a hole and seize my stones, or more like learn how to make them work. However, it will take me more years to understand why I wasted all of my power spheres and I didn't prepare a freaking match to light the place. I can't see anything! Goodness, many years of advanced technology in my head and all I need to survive now is fire, the prime form of technology. Should I plead the gods to send me a spark to light my stupidity?


I advanced carefully, but even with my slow steps, my body kept stumbling against the walls and the rocks on the floor. My poor knees, and my ankles, and my pride as a magician were hurt. So hurt.


Then I heard another explosion, it came from above the mine. Great! Someone opened a window to let the moonlight guide me in my quest. Good sir, you are my savior and at the same time, my condemn. Don't catch me.


I marched forward, and I saw some torches on the side. The one getting inside the mine would be able to catch me if I don't go faster.

"Where are you, my dear stones?"

I moved through a long dark tunnel, step by step, faster… the fear coming from the one following behind me growing harder in my heart. I could use my powers or my skills, I am not that afraid, but if it is the man with the mask…

I should walk faster.

"Stop right there!"

Just when I was about to turn to the left, the voice of a man tried to enter my head and stop my heart.

I didn't turn, but I heard his steps moving closer. Then the sound of a string and the flicker of a feather, that was the soft end of the arrow he wanted to use to harm me and most likely kill me.

Not on my watch, creepy boy. The magic powder I still had in my hands helped me distract him. Though, his arrow was sure to almost dig into my back. Just a few seconds more and not even my cape would help me stand that arrow. I moved faster again with the torch in front of me and just as I saw the bright blue mist luring me to take it all inside me, I felt something pointing at my head.

"I said, don't move."

The pointy metal, the silver pointy metal of the head of an arrow wanted to dig into my skull. I don't have a trick for that.

"Turn around," he said to me, though, his words were not as cold as before. The dangerous and murderous feeling was not alarming my heart anymore.

I shook my head once again, I won't speak, I won't move, and I won't turn around!

"Now…" I heard his whisper trying to stop me from breathing and his hand moving slowly to my cape. "Turn around and let me see your face."

I said I won't turn around.

My feet moved faster and with the bravest move I managed to think of, I jumped. My rope helped me descend to where the blue mist was calling my name, but it was not enough rope.

"Dammit! I knew it!"

I had to use the one from Sebastian, though, it was some ordinary strong rope. Maybe not that ordinary as it glinted with a strange light. If I had known it before...
