Magician Eli Viel

He took me to the other entrance at the top of the mine. It was hidden quite well, not even I could find it. Goodness, I should have known it, it was so obvious. How can I believe that there was only one way to enter this treasure mine?

"Are you angry, Jane?"

"No," I was still hanging from Kian's neck with my head resting carefully on his chest. "I am not…" I bit him, but my teeth didn't leave any mark. Dammit, those muscles!

"Look," he said as he guided me to the stairs. "Look over there… do you like it?"

The sight above the forest was beautiful, almost fantastic. The sweet breeze, the soft aroma of the trees, and the lovely moon along with the shiny stars above us, were gifting us the perfect ambiance for a romantic fling. Sigh… if only we had the rest of our lives to enjoy together.


"Kill those bastards!"


Those explosions, those shouts, and the sticky smell of blood ruined the beautiful moment. The scenery was now filled with columns of smoke and arrows. People fighting, soldiers getting injured and some others running for their lives. Then someone was crying and begging, and other was shouting and dying.

The view below was disturbing.

Yes, covered by the black veil of the night and the moon providing the lights above, a cruel battlefield was taking place. Behold, my friends, the tragic spectacle of the ancient war!

There were soldiers from different factions, some of them from the Duke, some others from the King, even from the Kingdom on the other side of the river. There were mercenaries, too.

"Protect the gates!"

"Seal the entrances!*

The shout of a man in black armor echoed like a powerful command bewitching the night. So desperate but eager to dominate the war.

He had the emblem of the Dark Duke, the same as his knights and identical to the one hanging on Kein's chest. A beautiful flower inside a circle. Was that the Elián flower? How can it be?

I touched it and Kein looked at me while he was wearing his mask again. He should be careful with that mask. If one were to see his handsome face, he would be kidnapped and sold as a treasure too. I will pull out all of my gold to buy him though.

"Are you curious?" he stopped my hand from rubbing the emblem. "Darling, stay here."


"Stay here, the battle will become more dangerous than before," he lowered me and I had to rely on my feet again.

"There!" I heard some men shouting and some men commanding to shoot their arrows.

Mercenaries with devious sights and a bloodthirsty aura were approaching from one side. They had long swords and strange swords. Kian stood there while I was retracting. It is not that I was a coward, but his aura… only his aura will defeat them all.

More arrows came to our side and he took his black sword and pushed the arrows to the back. The blast of air made the ones climbing the mine fell down.

"The Dark Duke," some of them commented in a small whisper that traveled into his friends' ears. "He is…"

"Move back!"

They didn't dare to move forward. However, Kian won't let them go that easily. Another move of his sword and another blast of air sent the rest of the mercenaries to have a lesson in the freezing waters of the river.

"Bon voyage!"

Kian was already taking me as a little sac in his shoulder as we climb down the mine. Is this necessary?

Then I heard something, an explosion. A big one, with trees falling down, more shouts, more cries.

That didn't come from a known source but from the battle. Maybe, gunpowder.

'No good'

My squirrels were right on that path and this situation was beginning to grow dangerous. My little followers were out there alone inside of a barrier that can't hold for much longer.

"Where are you going, Jane?"

I tried to move from his embrace. "My squirrels are there… I should go."

"Wait, I will go with you."

"No, you are needed here," I said to him with my pose of an understanding wife. "I will be fine."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because they want this place… you are my decoy, my dear."


"…" I winked and made him let me go.

"Wait…" he hugged one last time, "Be safe… go back to the inn."

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I will go, don't you worry," I smiled again and took my hood to cover myself. Goodness, my dress was all ripped off but we managed to tie it with a rope. My rope, the one I created with a bit of magic, luck, and tears.

I jumped the wall as a true expert and started to run towards the explosion.

However, not many trees later…

"Stop right there… who are you?"

Men wearing green uniforms. Not soldiers, but more rustic than paid mercenaries, maybe ordinary thieves that come to taste a bit of luck.

A dozen? Maybe more.

"Magician Eli Viel at your service…" I bowed, it was time to begin the show, right?