Victoria's POV
"But that doesn't make any sense." Michael protested, interrupting my story, "you revealed your powers in front of Magnus. But, still he sent a Petrywinkler to kill you? I am sure he isn't that dense."
Michael was right, I realised with a jolt. I had never considered this before.
Cassie looked confused,"If Magnus knew about my powers, then he definitely didn't send Cookie. That means…."
"Someone else is behind all these." Sofosys added thoughtfully.
"Can...can this be true? Is Magnus really sorry then?" I asked, unable to know what to believe in.
"We can't be sure about anything now. Cassadrei, you must speak to him again. And mention about the attacks, to gauge his reactions." Sofosys instructed.
At that very moment, a loud crack tore through the island.