Watch or do something nice

After coming to the doors, I looked at Megan, who covered herself with a blanket and when I fixed the bathrobe. Doors were opened by me not long after. When I looked at the girl, she smiled and then said, "new neighbours."

"No, we are here only for a short time," I said, and when she looked at me and then at Megan, who was on the couch, she said, "oh ok," and walked away. While seeing it, I closed the doors and when I walked back to Megan. When she looked at me, she said, "I heard it."

"Ok, so now we might continue," I said, and when she smiled and kissed me, I moved with her on the couch, and then we had done there all that we wanted. After we had done it, we took a shower and when we had done t it smiled, and then I said: "time to eat."

"Good idea. I started starving," she said while smiling.