Need to try this one

After coming downstairs a few minutes later, as Megan struggled with the door lock as it doesn't want to close, I looked at Megan. While doing it, she took the phone out and then said, "soon, the driver should be here."

"Ok," I said, and when we waited for a short time, it had come, but now with a new car. When I looked at it, Megan said, "oh, so he thought that it, will be nicer to come by Phantom."

"What?" I asked.

"It will show that we are important," Megan said, and when she sat inside, I moved in after her. When we were there, she said "company."

"Ok," the driver said, and when he started driving. When I looked at Megan, she looked into her phone. While seeing it, I looked at what she was doing. While seeing, 'best sex poses.' I shook my head. When she smiled while seeing it, she showed me one. When I looked at her, I said, "we can try."