The Mafia King begs Lihua

Wei's hands shook as he clenched his trousers. He couldn't say it. He couldn't admit that he had killed Jia.

"Tell me, Wei. Is sis Jia really dead?" Lihua blankly asked.

There was a tiny hope in her heart that he would disagree. Even though Mo Huojin and Xia Nuan had already confirmed this. Even though Shen Yang's hesitation and silence had already given her the answer, she still held hope that maybe she would be wrong.

Lihua said, "Wei. I am...tired of this silence. If you have ever loved me even a little bit, please say something."

Wei trembled.

"I prefer it to be the truth this time…"

Wei climbed onto the couch and rushed into her hug. "I-I...I am really sorry, Lihua. I... Please don't hate me... Please Lihua…I had n-no choice. I di-didn't want to kill her. Really...But…"

The last ray of hope from her eyes faded away. She looked like a soulless doll. She couldn't feel anything in her heart.

So blank and empty…