The Mafia King cannot grant Lihua's wish

Wei anxiously held her shoulders. "Lihua. Look at me…"

"Wei, she will come back, right?" She said, "We are sisters and she said that we will always stay together. She cannot break her promise. What will I do without her? She knows that I am hopeless if she doesn't guide me. So-so...she has to come back."

Wei had nothing to respond.

Lihua gritted her teeth and pulled his shirt. "Say that she will come back! Y-You cannot kill her, Wei…"

"Lihua...I am…" he held her cheeks between his palms and begged her. "I am really sorry…One chance, Lihua. Please give me one chance…"

Lihua stared at him. Her hand trembled as she raised it to slap him.

Wei didn't back off. He was ready to face any punishment she would give. He shut his eyes, waiting for the slap.

But it never came.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw her hand collapse.

Lihua laughed as tears streamed down. "I...I cannot even slap you be-because I have made the biggest mistake. I married my sister's murderer."

Wei stiffened.