"The Broken Trust"

The next day, early in the morning, Ivory woke up on the floor with only undies on, and the blanket was on her feet. She was shocked when she passed by the mirror, and while looking at the hickeys that Sigmund gave her last night, she turned beet red.

However, she felt that there was something missing in her memory.

Feeling a slight headache, she put on her checkered, long-sleeved turtleneck sweater and dark brown linen pants, then hurried to the dining area where she saw Lycus speaking with her parents.

Ivory greeted them before sitting down, and she noticed that her Servant wasn't around, "Have you seen Sigmund?"

"He's gathering firewood with Gordon," Anne answered. "He said he'll be back before you go to the academy."

"Guess what Ivory," Lycus looked at her with a smile on his face. "From now on, I shall attend Qawiun Academy as the principal's assistant."