"Raising Suspicions"

Hearing this, Anne only giggled, then replied, "Ivory said that he's an independent Servant, who wouldn't need her orders all the time because he's an intelligent one. They're more like... best friends, aren't they?" 

"Best friends, huh," Lycus nodded. "Indeed. I think their trust towards each other will be unbreakable if they continue to be like that. Unless... something inevitable happens that might test their relationship."

"Whatever happens, I am sure my daughter will overcome it. I believe in her," she smiled at him, then excused herself as she took the used plates to the sink.

Moments later, Ivory ran down the stairs. She had changed into a brown long-sleeved maxi dress and boots. A white knitted scarf was also wrapped around her neck. 

"Are you okay? It's not that cold, but you look like you're ready for winter, Lady Ivory," Lycus asked when she passed by the front door. He accompanied her to Ebleu's carriage.