Death Emperor of the Battlefield Despite Being the Weakest! (Last)

The way Khal lowered his hand toward the ground was slow, however, the swords falling from the sky were not.

As if raindrops during a wild storm, every single one of the swords dropped toward the ground with lightning speed, their momentum only growing faster with each passing fraction of a second.

However, different from raindrops that only flew in a straight line, as if they had their own will the swords strangely moved toward a specific direction, each targeting different locations!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!....

The sound of air getting split became louder the closer the swords arrived on the earth, slowly but surely attracting the attention of every living being on the battlefield.

"What the hell is this whistling? It's annoying!"

"This makes no sense... Why do I all of a sudden feel dread?"

"Someone definitely is targeting me, but from where?"