Realm Portal

[Why don't you try it out and see it for yourself?]

Suddenly Nova asked Khal, to which Khal laughed coldly and shook his head in his heart. 

'While I can kill without mercy or any guilt, I prefer not to extinguish lives that are innocent or do not deserve death. And if I try this plasma saber on a planet, it is very likely I will end up doing exactly that.'

[Then what about a moon? No one lives on them.]

'About that...' Khal seemed to consider that offer and looked around, only to spot a small moon in the far distance with the help of his Heaven's Eye and other Power Cores that boosted his sight and tracking ability.

"Let's see what the other two Artifact Cores can do," Khal spoke calmly and quickly using Space Teleportation which immediately teleported right in front of the moon that was seemingly several thousands of miles away!