Closing the Realm Portal

Back inside the Fifth Realm, Hale watched silently as Khal used his massive plasma sword to annihilate tens of thousands of Realm Cruisers as if they were nothing but ants before him!

'Despite being only a Fifth Realm Cultivator his abilities alone put him to equal levels as a Supreme Existence. Maybe I should make him a Lord?' Hale contemplated the idea with a grave expression.

"This won't do it. There is just way too many and no matter how many we kill more will appear." Khal suddenly spoke his concerns and transformed his plasma sword back to its original shape and size.

[It seems they are coming from the same direction. Maybe there is a rift from where they are flooding in?]

'Very likely.' Khal nodded as he didn't believe this many Realm Cruisers had been hiding within the Fifth Realm all this time.