Not In My Watch

As Chance grabbed her wrist and walked away, she strove to remove his grip but he's too strong for her. 

"What are you doing, Chance? Let go of me!" She yelled while attempting to remove his clasped around her wrist. 

However, he didn't answer nor looked at her. She rolled her eyes and poked her tongue in her inner cheeks, annoyed by ignoring her. She didn't perceive that he would be mad just because Alyssum agreed to their marriage arrangement. 

After a minute of silence, Chance slowly removed his grip on Alyssum's wrist when they reached his room. She glanced around and observed the room. It's her first time seeing his room. 

When they were children, they always played in their playroom or the backyard so it's her first time discerning his room. His room has a modern style, with black walls that compliment his gray and white furniture. He had a queen-sized bedroom in the middle of the room and a desk in front of it. And his room was not as spacious as hers. 

"Are you going to look at my room?" He asked. 

She turned around to face him and there he was, crouching on his bed while crossing his legs. He was damn serious, glaring at Alyssum which made her heart thump rapidly, nervous by his ambiance. 

She couldn't even look at him straight when he kept staring at her, glaring straight into her eyes. Then, she heaved a deep sigh and strove to calm herself before gradually, her eyes gazed at him, who was smirking at her. 


She couldn't even say any words by how intensely staring at her, he didn't even mumble anything. She walked closer to him and crouched beside him before she glanced at him. 

He switched his position and leaned closer to her right ear. She couldn't refrain her whimper when his breath crossed to her ear. 

"W-what are y-you doing, C-chance?" She murmured, attempted to utter words or even asked him. 

"What's your game, Aly? Why did you accept their agreement? Are you jealous of Miranda?" He asked multiple questions. 

Alyssum, on the other hand, couldn't even think straight by how close he was. The more he was close to hers, nothing came out of her mind. 

Just Chance…

She reached for his chest and lightly pushed him away from her so she could breathe freely. He smirked seeing her panicked. After all, Chance knew her weakness. 

"Answer me, Aly?!" 

She flinched when Chance abruptly used his strict voice. Then, she glanced at him and saw his smirked form into his lips. 

"I— Why… Why are you doing this?" 

"Me? Why are you asking me, Alyssum? I did ask you a question and you didn't give me an answer. Now, you are asking me?"

She stood, felt the weakness from her legs but she strove to hide it from him. She couldn't let him see how weak she was when it came to his strict voice. 

"I just agree to the arrangement for…" 

"For what?" 

'For the sake of us. I can't let Miranda get you from me.' She thought to herself. 

And she couldn't say that to his face. She was too afraid that one day, he will leave her behind or Miranda will take away from her. She couldn't let that happen. 

Not in her watch. 

Chance gazed at her, cocking his head on the side, confused by her actions. He couldn't discern what's on her mind. For him, she was unpredictable and had a horrendous mind. 

She was gone mad at all times but that's what she liked about his best friend. She could protect herself by all means. 

"Aly, I'm asking you… Why did you agree to the arrangement?" 

She heaved a sigh, leaned to Chance's desk, and crossed her arms. Then, her eyes gazed at him, forming a smirk on her lips before replying to his query, "do you think I will let that... Miranda wins over you?" 

Then, she strolled closer with a smirk remaining on her lips and leaned closer to his right ear and murmured, "...not in my watch, Chance." 

She leaned away and smiled before she walked out of his room. Alyssum sighed in relief when she finally told what she really wanted to say. She glanced at his door, straight to Chance, who was laying on his bed before closing it completely. 

Alyssum strode downstairs and straight to the dining room, where their parents were waiting for Alyssum and Chance's arrival. However, they were stunned when Alyssum entered without him around. 

"Where's Chance?" Christian asked her before she could sit in her position. 

"I left him inside his room. But don't worry about him, he will be fine." 

Then, she grabbed the napkin and placed it on her lap before her lips formed into a sweet smile towards Mrs. Park, who was amused by Alyssum's bravery. 

"I really like you, Aly. I hope we can be close in the future." Mrs. Park mumbled with a smile on her face. 

Alyssum leaned to the table with her hands clasped together as she placed her elbows on the table before replying to her, "of course, Mrs. Park. Especially when I'll be a Mrs. Bailey… Soon." 

Mrs. Park raised her brow when hearing her affair's last name. And she perceived that Chance's mother didn't like heeding it especially when his loyal husband was sitting beside her. 

Then, Chance's mother clenched her fist until it bruised her inner palm with her nails but her smile remained intact to her lips. She couldn't reveal her resentment towards the young woman in front of her. 

"Bailey… I know that's what my son used but you are in… PARK'S TERRITORY so you will be Mrs. Park one day." 

Mrs. Park emphasized the 'Park's Territory' to give Alyssum's idea that she will never use her affair's last name. However, she had a horrendous mind at a young age. 

She just grinned at her, sweetly and replied that could have stunned the entire people inside the dining room. 

"I prefer using Bailey than Park, Mrs. Park. What are you going to do?"