Brenda Worst Nightmare (II)

'Am I now a villain?' She thought to herself as she took a quick glance at him. 

Her brow furrowed when Tyrone confidently smiled at her, deeply staring right through her eyes. She felt it again… The shiver went down to her spine. 

The effect from his mischievous smile. The smile that she couldn't resist. She strived to look away but it's like a magnet, enticing her attention. And what worse, all her feelings back inside her heart as if she wanted to get back together. 

'Stop thinking about getting back to him, Brenda! Think about what he did to you!' She scolded herself. 

She looked away, shaking her head, striving to remove all her unwanted thoughts inside her head. Brenda attempted to distract herself but because of the man beside her, it was impossible. 

He's too distracting for her...