Brenda's Worst Nightmare (VII)

"Do you like it?" 

She snapped into reality when he finally finished his song. She smiled and responded with a nod.

"You composed that song for someone else. May I know who it was?" She asked. 

"Someone that will never come back." 

He sighed, leaning his forehead to the keyboard and there, Brenda was sitting beside him, discerning his pain and sorrow and she couldn't even comfort him, to the fact that her heart clenched when seeing him like this. 

Or she sympathized with herself when thinking that there's a hope that he truly loves her but… No, she knew he's waiting for someone until now. She loathed this feeling. She shouldn't like him or anything. 

She groaned inside my head when her heart and brain kept hindered from each other. 

"I'm sorry, Ennie, if I become emotional. I-I'll head back to my room. Feel free to use the other room." He said as he led his way to his room, leaving her behind.