Unexpected Date (III)

"What was that?!" Camaro exclaimed while removing the popcorn all over her and glanced in Alyssum's direction.

"We were sorry! We were just shocked by the movie!" Christian replied, striving to change her tone. 

"Next time, watch where you throw your popcorn," Camaro exclaimed and glare at them. 

They strived to halt their laugh when seeing her rage towards them. Christian just lightly slapped her shoulder to stop her. Then, they started to observe Camaro since she had a plan inside her head. And they were right, all of a sudden, Camaro attempted to hold Chance's hands however, Chance didn't notice her motive and just remove his right hand on the armrest. Instead, Christian placed it so Camaro held his hands rather than Chance. 

Alyssum, on the other hand, felt cringed from what Christian did. She couldn't believe that he could do everything just to hold her hands. "You are unbelievable."