It's Just Christian...

As the time went by, Camaro noticed the sudden changes of the weather. There were no stars appearing in the dark skies and even the moon hid under the shadows. But she didn't bother to tell him since they would go home. 

Until the raindrops fell onto their bodies as their eyes widened and began to run without pulling out their intertwined hands. They kept running until they reached the nearest hotel in the theme park. 

As they walked inside, Christian slowed down and noticed the hotel. He bit his lips when it was one of their family's property. And as the staff saw Christian, he stopped them to address him as 'young master' since he didn't want Camaro to know about their family and their wealth. 

Camaro, on the other hand, was captivated from the hotel. This was her first time getting inside the five class hotel in her entire life. The hotel was glamorous and had expensive chandeliers on the ceiling and the Greek gods statues around the first ground floor.