Confusion And Insecurities (I)

They both looked at each other, confused by what was happening. She hung up the call and glanced at Chance, who was just staring at her. 

She opened her phone when suddenly, someone texted her. Then, she opened it and saw the address that her mother gave her. She heaved a deep sigh, thinking, 

'Why did my mother want me to go there. Is it some kind of sick joke?' She thought to herself.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked. 

She snapped into reality when Chance asked her. She placed her phone inside her bag and replied, "My mom… She was acting strange and gave some random address that I needed to go. You? Who are you talking to?"

"My mom… She was also acting strange and definitely, she was serious about it. Anyway, I better go since my mother wants me to go somewhere." He mumbled and walked away, leaving her behind.