Unexpected Vacation (III)

"What are you talking about, Mairen?" She asked him. He turned his face and glanced at Alyssum. 

"Chance and his two other brothers." He replied. 

She choked on her pancake when hearing Chance would be with them on the vacation. Dina gave her juice to prevent from choking. 

"C-Chance? B-Brenda, are t-they joining us?" She nodded vigorously like she was very excited. 

"Well, I know that we're friends. Mairen and Dina could get along with them so I invited them over. Also, Dina agreed on this one. The more the merrier." Brenda explained. 

"But why? I mean I don't have an issue if they come with us. I just ask why." 

"Well, they finished their assignments and projects so they need a little fun to forget their stress so I invited them over." She uttered. 

Then, Jasper glanced at Mairen, who was a nervous wreck on the side. He patted his shoulder to get his attention. Mairen looked at him, cocking his head on the side, confused.