Part Time Job

Months had passed and Chance didn't show up to any of their classes. She tried to call him or even text him everyday but there wasn't any answer. She asked Caine and Christian but they didn't give her any damn answer. She wanted to confront his mother but her mother stopped her. 

"Why not, mom?"

"Because it's too personal and it's his privacy. You know how secretive he is so please don't confront his mother or you will get in trouble." She replied. 

She couldn't help but to ober all her mother's words and every night, she kept asking herself why Chance left her behind. He left her without even saying goodbye. Doesn't he even love her even as a friend or sister? Why did he do this to her? Many queries ran through her head and she was tired of it.

Since she was accelerated and didn't even have to attend the class. She decided to have a part time job at the coffee shop nearby. She ran downstairs with a smile on her face and called her parents.