She Stood Up For Her Gang

This weekend, Amelia wanted a new style of the shop so she asked the two young girls to help with the costumes and the design. However, Alyssum was late for work since her mother called for an emergency meeting. 

And Brenda would be so mad at her since their boss wanted a new style of the shop. Their theme would be inspired by the coffee shop in an anime. Cute uniforms for the waiter and waitresses. 

But when she stepped inside the shop, Brenda wasn't there and even Jayson. Dani, Amelia and her husband were there, starting the decoration before the opening. Then, she strolled closer to them and proceeded to help them. 

"Where's Brenda and Jayson?" Amelia asked Brenda. 

"I don't know since Brenda didn't text me or call me. I thought she's here now." She replied.