Your Regret

She groaned and mumbled, "you talk so loud."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, stunned by Alyssum's behavior. 

"Aren't you happy that Chance came back?" 

She gritted when hearing his name. Because of him, her relationship with Mairen was gone. Yes, she didn't love him but he was the most important person. Ever since Chance left, he was there to comfort her and to be loved. 

"I'm not happy. My relationship with Mairen is long gone now and it's because of him. Do you know how much Mai means to me?"

"I know that but do you think that's the reason why he broke up with you?" He asked. 

Her head cocked on the side, confused on what he was saying. She knew Mai wouldn't just break up with him just because Chance got back. He would fight for their relationship to save it and wouldn't let Chance ruin it.