Invitation For Auction Party

"Chance… ever since you came back, everything changed. I don't know how to explain it to you but one thing I want to tell you. Your mother… No, not just your mother. Your family made my parent's life miserable and I couldn't forgive them if something happened to my family." She uttered with her eyes fiery from flames.

Then, she stood and grabbed all her things. But before leaving him behind, she said something that made Chance hurt so badly. 

"Including you Chance." 

"Aly! Don't say that, please! I will convince my mother to give back all your parents' investors so they could get back into the business. Please, I'll do anything just don't leave me." 

Alyssum widened her eyes from every word that came out to Chance. So he knew what happened to their company and her mother didn't even dare to tell everything to her.

She looked at him in shock and said, "so you knew. You all knew what happened to my parents' company. I can't believe this!"
