Auction Party (III)

"Let's go?" She asked. 

She responded with a nod and clutched her hands around Tyrone's arm and Brenda was on the other side. They stepped inside the door and gave the invitation to the receptionist. 

They stepped inside the banquet room and noticed that everyone was looking at them. Murmuring to their acquaintance and gossiping about them. They even talked loudly just to hear them. 

"The son of a mafia boss is here. And look, he has two companions. What a greedy man.' They murmured behind Alyssum. 

"Tyrone Maxwell, huh? Why is he even here? And look what he was wearing… he wears tight jeans, he was indeed a new boss of a gang. So creepy. Also, look at the other woman, she didn't even know the difference between suit and dress." The other one said and just laughed it out. 

"They look like they were in a circus. And oh, Alyssum Bryne… have you heard that their company is almost bankrupt?"