An Interesting Party (III)

Her eyes traveled to everyone and they were laughing whilst staring at them. She could see the judgement from their eyes just because of how they look. 

They even felt to Theo that he was a son of a home wrecker. It was too much and she couldn't take it anymore. 

"They need to leave this place! They don't belong here!"

'It's pissing me off! One more and I'll punch them in their face!' She thought to herself. 

Then, she glanced at Theo, who was devastated by the gossip about him. It hurted her when seeing him like this and how vulnerable he was. 

She took a deep breath and tapped their shoulder. They glanced at her and noticed the smirk from her lips. And they knew she was planning something else. 

'I don't want them to feel outcast so I need to do this and reveal myself as a Min for the sake of my friends. Sorry, dad for doing this but you know me. I can't let them humiliate my friends.' She thought.