It's Just Payback Date (III)

Mia realized that her cat was alone inside the apartment. She forgot to fill her food before she left. She grabbed her phone inside her purse. 

"I need to call Yoongi to feed my cat. Argh! Why am I being so careless!?" She exclaimed and dialed Yoongi's number.

After a few minutes, she sighed in relief when hearing a hoarse voice on the other line. She winced, realizing that he was sleeping. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Yoon, I can't go home today since the rain was very heavy and I'm not sure if it stopped today." She responded without leaving her gaze outside. 

He sighed and tried to keep it cool since he was retrieving his sleep. "I know. Do you want me to pick you up? It was only 9:30pm." 

"No, it's okay Yoon. I'll be fine here and besides, it is dangerous to drive outside if you are planning to pick me up. Just do me a favor?" 

"What is it?"