Aly... What's Gotten Into You?

"Why do you keep pushing me to marry someone I don't know?!" Chance exclaimed to her mother. 

It became more controlling whenever he came back to this mansion. His mother kept forcing him to marry someone by just meeting them once. It felt like he didn't have the right to choose a woman, who he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. 

"I'm pushing you because you are old enough to marry someone, Chance. Also, even though I didn't agree with your stupid writing job, I still didn't stop you." 

"Don't call my job 'stupid' mom. I put a lot of effort into all my writings so you don't have the right to insult what I love to do!" 

Laura Park crossed her legs together with her arms. She was pissed off when Chance was out of control. He didn't want to get involved in their company and now, he disagreed to marry Alyssum.