A Failed Date

The days had passed and Chance was fully restored from the fever. However, the wait wasn't over since the announcement for the winner of the competition hadn't been given by the judge. 

Now, he remembered the promise that Chance took Alyssum on a date. He was excited about it and made sure that everything was perfect. 

He called John to be their driver, the flowers were ready and he even made a reservation for them at the fancy restaurant. 

Alyssum walked outside Yuuzi's room and wore a beautiful lavender sleeve dress and matched with her wedge heels. Chance, on the other hand, wore his best suit for the date. 

His eyes couldn't leave her stunning beauty as if it was his first time seeing her with a dress. 

She snickered by noticing his gaze. So he walked closer to him and teasingly said, "My best friend is a pervert.

His eyes widened and his face turned into a red tomato. He looked away and crossed his arms, sulking.