They Met Again Third Time

He heaved a deep sigh and leaned his back on the chair. This was always his entrance when coming home to this mansion. 

Pestering him about the company that he didn't intend to get involved in their business. 

He didn't want to hear about the business from his mother. He stood up and wanted to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Asked Mrs. Park.

"A friend." He replied before leaving the premises. 

He walked outside the mansion and ignored Christian calling him.

"Chance, Wait up! You can't do that and walk away. You've just got home. Please, let's go inside." Christian said and stood beside him. 

"I'm sorry Christian but you know that I don't want to get involved in Park Empire." 

"I know... But you can't just walk away." 

"Christian, if you just scolded me about that. Just leave me alone." He said.