Christian Never Give Up

As the time went by, Mia's coffee shop closed early for the amusement. They could have fun with their friends without a problem at the shop.

Now, they were waiting for Christian, who was assigned to fetch them since he was the one who knew the place of the amusement park. 

"Where are they?" Theo asked while looking around and searched for them. Unfortunately, they hadn't arrived yet. 

"I don't know but let me call Christian." She mumbled before grabbing the phone inside the purse. 

She dialed his number and strived to call him. Within a split of a second, Chance accepted the call. 

"Where are you? Ahm… Chance, is that you?" Mia asked.

"Yes, it's me, Mia. Well, we're near the shop. Just wait for us, okay?"


She hung up the call and walked closer to Yoongi, who was sulking with his arms crossed and stomped his feet. He gazed at her and sighed while scratching his forehead.