Secret Cannot Hidden

As Christian and Mia left the office, they walked closer to the secretary, who smiled at her. 

"What can I do for you?" the secretary asked. 

"Did my father leave the contract for the investor?"

She then smiled and responded with a nod. 

"Yes, he left it so you could take care of the contract for Mr. Park. Wait for a second, I will search for the contract."

She tapped her finger on the counter with his feet stomping and patiently waiting for the contract paper. 

"You're very tense, Mia. Are you alright?" He asked, leaning closer to her. 

She was caught off guard and pushed him away. "I'm not, Mr. Park. Anyway, we aren't even that close to calling me Mia." 

"Well, I believe we are and–" he cut off his words when the secretary presented the contract to Mia. 

"Ahm, what room can we use?" She implored. 

 "You can use the bottom room beside the meeting room." She said while pointing to the room.