Beyond Angry

Our group walked back to the beach, and I assumed that the path would be different somehow, but it was all the same thing. When I tried to look around, the same thing as before happened, and I couldn't focus on anything.

"Don't bother trying to look, the island is still asleep, and it doesn't like to be disturbed while napping," Lishtani told me as the two of us walked, holding our partner's hands.

We were almost back to the beach and hall now, and we had a long line of spirits that were following us. Well, they were following Drania in a long line, and I looked over at her, peering into her to look at her flame, but I was almost blinded by the countless little flames.

"Don't look too hard, my dear, or you might go blind," Dranina said with a small smile.

"How do you have so many flames? I thought that I wanted the only one that could do that?" I asked, looking at Lishtani.