Blood Shakes


That was all that went through my mind as I was spat out. I landed in the room I had seen Healia in before, and she was waiting for me. I had never seen someone arrive from a Waystone, only people leaving, and it was not a pleasant experience.

It was like having your entire body squished down to the size of a pinhead, then let go of like a spring. When I stumbled out, Healia was there to catch me, but I was able to get my head straight fast, and I grabbed her by the cheeks.

"Oh, K, I know you have always had a thing for me, but now isn't the…." Healia tried to say, but the feeling of my teeth sinking into her neck cut her off, and pure sugar filled my mouth.

Cotton candy was the flavor, but I had no idea what cotton was, but then something happened as I pulled away.

[Blood System] Completed!

[Blood Queen System] Released!

[Blood Queen] Activated!