Family, the same word but has a different meaning

Mario remembers his past, shadows in the past turn into pieces and chronicles events.

He had seen Alfa Widjaja bringing a woman in the middle of the night, a different woman every night.

Maybe for Alfa, one woman was never enough.

Mario or Sofia not only once caught sight of Alfa Widjaja's behavior, at that time they were still under ten years old.

Mario once saw Alfa having sex in the family room.

That night he and Sofia were working on their schoolwork. He felt thirsty and wanted to take a drink in the kitchen, he did not go to the kitchen because he heard a noise in the living room, he peeked behind the wall with a trembling body.

On the living room carpet, there Mario and Sofia do their schoolwork, where they sit and watch cartoons together, where they joke around and tell stories every night.

That night, the same carpet becomes the witness, there Alfa and a woman change their hot sex poses.

They enjoy each other's naked bodies, they make absurd poses in the head of ten-year-old Mario.

Mario is not Alfa's son, but Sofia...

One night, while Mario is still awake and doing Sofia's schoolwork.

He worked on the task with the door to his room that was not closed perfectly.

Mario again heard sighs, moans, whispers from the hall. Even though he heard it, he tried to ignore it, he had already seen what happened last night.

Sofia rubbed her eyes, she woke up that night.

That night the sound from the front room was indeed louder than usual.

"Mario, did you hear a strange sound?"

Mario removed the earphones from his ears, he shook his head in response to Sofia's question.

"I heard a strange sound from the front."

At that time Mario already had a room, he had come out of the storage room behind the house.

Sofia was the one who nagged her father so that Mario could come into the house and have a room, She needed Mario to do her schoolwork.

Sofia stepped out of Mario's room.

"Sofia, where are you going?" Mario asked.

"I'm thirsty, I want to have a cold drink in the refrigerator," Sofia answered. "Are you thirsty?" She asked.

Mario shook his head.

Sofia was getting away, she has entered the family room, in this room, there was a home theater.

Sofia's lips smiled sarcastically, she could see the live show from here.

Sofia sat on the sofa casually.

Back there, Mario silently followed her. He was worried about Sofia.

Noticing Sofia's presence in the dark, watching his adult scene, Alfa hurriedly took his clothes.

Sofia picked up the tv remote. With a flat face, she watched television shows.

Alfa grabbed the woman's hand roughly, they picked up the clothes on the floor and left Sofia sitting on the sofa.

Sofia acted cool as if she was enjoying a television show with her face tense.

"Why are you in such a hurry. Just go on." She said in a trembling tone

Alfa glanced briefly at her daughter, then he led his woman to his room. He slammed the bedroom door.

Alfa has given lessons that night.

After turning 23, Sofia took revenge on her father.

That day Mario saw Alfa slapping his daughter.

Sofia brought a man home, a tall, muscular man with lots of tattoos on his body.

Sofia takes off her clothes, she climbs onto the dining table, They have sex on the dining table.

Mario could only shake his head.

Seeing Sofia and Alex, who were making out hot in the dining room, he pretended not to see.

Not long after, Alfa returned home.

When he turned on the light and saw his daughter making out with a dirty man, Alfa was furious.

Alfa Widjaja pulled Alex's hair roughly, his face was bright red, his emotions could no longer be contained

"What a jerk!" Alfa cursed angrily.

Mario saw Alfa running to his room, he descended the stairs quickly.

Alfa chases after Alex, who runs away.

He pointed a gun at his daughter's lover.

Sofia screamed in terror, she begged at Alfa's feet.

That night Mario peeked behind the curtain on the main door, Sofia caught the shadow of Mario.

Sofia's eyes motioned for Mario not to interfere. She knows the nature of an Alpha, her father will take out his anger on Mario.

Alfa unleashed a bullet from his gun.

Luckily that night Alex managed to survive. He's a dancer and parkour athlete, running was his skill.

Sofia smiled sarcastically as her father's loafers kicked right in her stomach.

Since then, Sofia has always been monitored by Alfa's trusted people.

However, Sofia did not run out of ways, after Alfa's anger subsided a little after so many months.

Sofia finds a way, she doesn't want her relationship to fail, she is totally in love with Alex's charm.

Sofia sends Mario out of Alfa's house, she plans a rental house for Mario.

At the rental house, Sofia reasoned to see Mario even though she spent the night with her boyfriend, Alex.

Alfa Widjaja is a successful businessman in the entertainment world, he is also a famous foreign artist promoter.

Sofia and Mario, as their children, have appeared in public.

Alfa is named very fragrant, he has a beautiful and polite daughter, he also has a charming adopted son.

When appearing in a public space, Sofia and Mario have to act gracefully, Alfa has been threatening them from afar.

Alfa's image is getting better, everyone thinks he is an angel, he is a kind and humble businessman, even has an adopted son who was treated very sweetly.

Sofia never mentioned her real name in public. She hated the name Widjaja attached to her.

Mario received several advertising offers after appearing in public spaces, but he refused all of the offers.

This world is just a play.

Everything that is shown in the entertainment world is just a lie.

The world of entertainment is full of settings and fakes, don't believe it.