Because I will be happy, so you must be happy

On that night, it was cold midnight.

Mario left his first love, he did not have time to say goodbye properly, kisses, that first kiss he could never forget.

At Widjaja's house, he was greeted by the anger of a middle-aged man.

Alfa goes berserk, throwing all Mario's belongings away. He's furious!

Alfa was disappointed with Sofia, disappointed with Mario. He kicked Mario out of his house, even though the house was never a comfortable home for his adopted son.

Behind Mario, a black car came in following him.

From inside the car were two large, muscular guards, both of them grabbing her arm roughly.

Sofia was caught red-handed with Alex in Mario's rental room.

Alfa has sent Alex to the hospital. Now it's the turn of the daughter.


A slap landed on Sofia's face, causing her nose and lips to bleed.

Mario cringed at all this, but he couldn't help Sofia. Alfa's men gripped both of his hands.

Mario tries to rebel. A kick landed on his back until he fell to the floor.

Alfa grabbed Sofia's arm, slammed his daughter on the wicker chair, he slammed Sofia violently.

His finger gripped Sofia's jaw.

"What did you do to me! You insulted me! You humiliated me! You have no pride, you cheap whore, You are a useless child, you are the worst daughter in the world! "shouted Alfa.

Sofia met her father's angry gaze.

"You don't deserve to call me your daughter. I can't choose a father, but I never wanted to be your daughter, you bastard--"


One more slap.

Alfa grabbed Sofia's hair roughly, throwing her daughter's body on the floor. "How dare you fight and deceive me, where do you think you can be happy! Where do you have a luxurious lifestyle to your face and body are so expensive! Why would you sell yourself to a trash bastard! "

Alfa lifted his leg, he intended to step on his daughter's stomach.

"I am pregnant! I am already pregnant. I have a fetus in my stomach!" Sofia hissed with tears on her face.

Five inches longer the sole of Alfa's shoes landed on her stomach, hearing her hiss, Alfa was surprised.

"You think I'll forgive you. That's great! The child has to come out of your womb, the son of a dirty and disrespectful man!" Alfa landed the sole of his shoe on his daughter's stomach.

Sofia passed out, She was unconscious.

"Damn it! You all rotten bastards!" Alfa removed the leather belt that was wrapped around his pants.

"You rotten bastard! You're hiding behind all of this! I'm sorry I took you wrong on my life!"


Alfa swung her belt, whipped the helpless Mario, collapsed on the floor.

Not content with whipping, Alfa stomped on Mario's head, venting all his anger and disappointment.

Mario grimaced in pain and felt it, he could only surrender at night.

He couldn't cry, tears didn't come out of his eyes.

He could only smile, smiled faintly, imagining his first kiss was so sweet.

Bey, I could die here, but ... I want to confirm just one thing in my life. Can I be happy? I want to be happy with you, Is it possible that my dream can come true?


Sofia has a tough character like her father.

After that night's incident, Alfa asked Mario to marry his daughter.

What was surprising is that Sofia accepted the offer happily, while Mario had no room for opinion.

"All right, I will marry Mario, we will get married, I will give birth to my baby, I will do whatever you tell me, as long as it's one of my requests, you can't bother me and Mario until my son is three years old! "That was Sofia's please to Alfa.

Alfa put on a tense face that day. "I am taking you into exile so that no one will find out about this scandal. I will keep my promise, but you and Mario have to hide properly, I will not be quiet if you guys act stupid! "

Sofia nodded in agreement. For Widjaja's name, she and Mario will live in exile, hiding from the public.

During her pregnancy, Sofia was accompanied by Mario, they lived on the outskirts of the capital.

One thing that Mario couldn't have thought, Sofia was still in a relationship with Alex, her lover.

One day, Mario asked Sofia. "Why are you still in a relationship with Alex, what if your father finds out?" Asked Mario.

Sofia chuckled with her belly swollen.

"I love Alex, this is our baby. I want to stay here so Alex and I can meet again. You Mario, do you have someone you love? Why are you wasting your life in vain? "

Mario couldn't answer Sofia's question. He has a girl in his heart, but he is already married to Sofia, then .. what can he do.

"I want to have a family, I want my child to have parents, I want to be a mother, have a husband that I love. Is that sinful? "Sofia asked.

She pressed the power off on the TV remote when Alfa's face appeared on a broadcast program on television.

"I'm a normal woman Mario, do you know, I and Alex were happy when I saw the ultrasound results, We are very happy to have a healthy handsome baby. "Her eyes sparkled, making Mario happy too.

Mario remembers the girl he likes, he hesitates to tell Sofia about Bey.

"We can't follow Alfa's rules, we're not dolls, Mario. We have feelings, we have desires, and we have the right to be happy. "

Hearing Sofia Mario wants to tell about Bey.

"Sofia, I have a girl I like." Sofia was surprised to hear Mario's sudden admission.

"I thought you were not a normal man," Sofia said with a chuckle.

"You never express your feelings. Have you ever told a girl you like how you feel? "Sofia began to investigate.

"I don't know, I just left her."Hearing Mario's words, Sofia was dumbfounded.

"How could you leave the woman you like. Did you tell her to break up with you, or did you ask her to wait for you? " Sofia was getting more and more curious.

Mario shrugged. "I didn't say anything other than kissing her." Mario's face was red.

"Mario, you have to find the girl, you have to make your relationship clear. You must not be sorry and be the dumbest man!" Said Sofia. "I'm going to marry Alex, we're moving overseas. You must seek your happiness. "Sofia whispered with a faint smile.

"Because I will be happy, so you must be happy too!"

After telling Sofia about Bey, good luck came.

Mario meets Bey at a shop.

He could meet Bey, meet Bey's family, have a sweet date, sleep in her house, kissed her, cuddled with her, and.


Alfa is not someone who gives up easily.

He couldn't be silent.

He won't let Alex take his daughter and grandson, He won't let Mario be happy easily.
