he was so hot

Bey inhaled the scent emanating from her family's bakery, a distinctive scent that was sweet and appetizing. This shop was a hereditary business of her papa's extended family.

"An aroma that excites me," she said, a familiar taste and aroma, Bey's bread.

That was the Bey family bakery brand.

From inside, Bey's parents waved, she quickened her footsteps then pushed open the glass door.

Bey greets some busy shop employees, she jogs towards the kitchen where her parents are working.

She landed a warm kiss on the cheeks of her parents.

"Have you eaten, dear?" Bey nodded her head in response to a question from her mother.

Her father took a few slices of bread and two glasses of a fresh drink. He handed a cream-colored tray to his daughter.

Bey frowned, she was astonished by the full tray in front of her at this moment.

Her father turned his head, gave the code with his eyes, Bey followed her father's instructions.

Oh, Mario was here.

Bey could see Mario's back on the porch.

Seeing the smiles of her parents, Bey immediately understood.

Very understanding parents, support the relationship between Bey and Mario.

Bey stepped her foot towards Mario, she watched her lover's face look hang.

Mario's hand was still holding the camera but his eyes looked empty.

Bey glanced at the camera screen in Mario's hand. She could see a portrait of her parents working in the kitchen, her father and mother's faces were cheerful in front of the cookie dough in front of them.

Mario was the adopted son of the Widjaja family, he does not have a biological family, he has never been treated well by his adoptive father, his life was hard.

Bey sighed heavily, she tried to make the most cheerful smile, She stepped closer to Mario's table, put down the tray with a slight sound.

Bey's arrival surprises Mario.

"Wow, why are you here?" Asked Bey pleasantly. Mario turned to her.

"Wow, let me see who was on your camera. Geez! You took pictures of my parents so skillfully! You never even took my photo. You were made me jealous. "Bey pursed her lips, pretending to sulk.

"Actually who do you like, me or my parents? Why don't you save my photo to you, but you have my parents' photo with you, you suck!"

Mario was dumbfounded by Bey's words.

"You don't have my picture, you rarely send me messages, you never even call me! You're an outrageous lover! "Bey was still babbling.

Mario even chuckled, he was amused by his lover's scolding

He raised his index finger and poked Bey's adorable pouting lips.

"Stop teasing me, I'm being mad at you," Bey grumbled, She crossed her arms across her chest.

Mario shook his head for a moment then he raised his camera, he pressed the camera button without Bey noticing.

Bey took her drink, she sipped a fresh drink while putting on a sullen face, she still didn't realize she was being the object of Mario's camera.

As she lifted her head and glanced at Mario, she was startled.

"Huh, what are you doing? You can't take my photo when my face is like this." Bey tries to stop Mario.

But the man avoided her, he continued to take pictures of his girlfriend, in an entertaining random expression.

"Ah, Mario .. stop it," Bey asked.

They attract the attention of guests who feel envious of their sweet relationship.

Noticing the guests' gazes making Bey's face flush red, she tried to calm herself and act normal.

She returned to her chair, forced to let Mario continue to take pictures.

When she realized Mario's warm face made her happy, she let her boyfriend continue to explore the camera. As long as you are happy.

Bey and Mario decide to go home, while Bey's parents still have to prepare orders for the next day.

Alfa is still buying up bakeries at the Bey family shop.

Mario still kept his camera aimed at Bey's face on the way home.

When his girlfriend walked, glanced at him, smoothed her hair, sneered, put on a big smile, even as Bey sneered.

"Mario! Watch your step!" Bey yelled deceiving Mario.

She grabbed the camera in the hand of her lover, now alternately, she is taking pictures of Mario, Bey running in front of Mario. Repay what he had received.

"You can't cheat, after you take my picture, now let me take your picture .. "Bey said proudly.

Mario can only surrender and stare shyly at the camera, he looks adorable.

Bey stared at the reflection of Mario's blushing facial expression on the camera screen, the man touched the tip of his nose, he looked, and Bey liked it all.

"You look cute!" Bey shouted mocking her lover's blushing expression.

Mario stepped closer to Bey, his hand quickly reached Bey's hand that was holding the camera.

He took Bey by surprise.

Mario took the camera back. He brought his face closer, briefly kissed Bey's nose as he pressed the camera button.

"It would be great if we had a photo together .." he whispered making Bey nodded slightly.

Mario reached Bey's shoulder, pulled his lover's body in a hug, he landed a small kiss on the forehead.

Flash !!

They take pictures together.

Once again.

"aaaah I'm not ready!" Bey whined, Mario didn't care, he had already run away from Bey.

Seeing Mario waving, his warm face, his smile .. all of that makes me happy.

I looked up at the evening sky, against the bias of the light, I enjoyed my life. I am very grateful that Mario is my lover, keep going on like this!

Bey was stunned when she saw Mario was standing in front of the refrigerator, enjoying the freshness of the mineral water running down his throat.

"I'm thirsty too .. "whined Bey with a spoiled face.

"Here, drink ..." Mario handed over his bottle.

Bey nodded slightly, accepting. She finished several sips of the freshwater.

Since there was still some water left, Mario took the bottle back, he finished the rest of the mineral water, making Bey surprised.

No, not because the water runs out but .. because Mario's face is so hot as he sips this cold drink.

Her Adam's apple rose and fell on her long and sturdy neck.

he was so hot

In Bey's eyes, he was perfect, even when he was drinking, she could see that there was a light around Mario's body that dazzled her eyes.

While drinking water Mario is like a professional male model on television, making Bey stared at Mario.

Unconsciously Bey swallowed his saliva.

Mario arched his eyebrows at the blank face of his lover. "Are you still thirsty?" Asked Mario.

" dangerous! "Bey whispered, casting the dirty image in her brain.