Marriage is a relationship

Joseph accelerated the car and left the car door open. He didn't install the car air conditioner. The fresh breeze was enough to cool him down. Look at this slippery road. Joseph looked at the left and right sides of the street, only briefly. Progress is fast on this island. .made the handsome man smile happily.

From a distance, Josep could catch the figure of a girl in a long skirt. His distinctive clothes made Joseph clearly remember his figure.

She has a unique style of dress, an accent that is crisp to the ea,r and polite, she is a friendly and warm local girl.

.the man pulled the car over. Surprising the girl walking on the sidewalk. As soon as Josep took off the sunglasses he was wearing, the girl pulled the corners of her lips.

She recognized the man who had stopped the car and greeted with a smile, Doctor Josep

"Doctor, Joseph!" .she ran over to Joseph.