The relationship between us

The sound of knocking from Joseph's hand on the windshield did not break Via's daydream. I don't know what the woman is thinking in her head, it seems there is something heavy in her head.

"Via. Aren't you coming down?" Joseph asked with a smile.

"Oh.. via finally woke up from his daydream, he immediately opened the door and got out of the car following the steps of Joseph who was waiting for him.

"I'll be waiting at the airport door for outgoing passengers. Are you alone?" Via seems to be still busy with her thoughts, not hearing Joseph's question.

"You're not here to run away from your family? If you dare to be reckless like that, I'll be the first to be a suspect! You know. People saw me give you a ride earlier!" Via smiled slightly hearing Joseph's chatter.

"I'm not that brave," replied Via, denying Joseph's accusations.

"That's good!" Joseph replied briefly, sharing a big smile. "Okay. I'll be there, to the airport exit, you alone?"